Notable summits and hikes

2023 Climbing Season

Mount Bailey

I met up with a couple friends down just west of Crater Lake National Park in early February to ski Mount Bailey. After a chilly night bivvying in the snow park, we departed on skis at 6:00 am sharp. After 4 miles of flat, snowmobile and cross country trails we began our skin track up the face of the mountain. Conditions were soft down low but firmer up high making for nice skinning. Once up the summit we 360 degree views and slightly windy weather. We quickly snapped photos, bundled up and transitioned to ski mode and began our 6 mile descent back to the car.

2022 Climbing Season

In late 2021 I rescued a dog. I spent the year roaming around my local part of Oregon with her and my partner. I didn't do anything that I would consider noteworthy for my "climbing resume". I did however have a great time with my family camping, fishing and exploring the backyard.

2021 Climbing Season

South Sister - Two Times!

In three weeks time I topped out on South Sister twice. The mountain lies about 20 miles just outside of Bend, Oregon and is the youngest of a three peak volcanic complex. It is the third tallest mountain in Oregon at ~10,200 feet above sea level. The first was a ski descent, we skinned up and spent about an hour a top gazing for hundreds of miles every direction. Exactly three weeks later, I went back up with my fiancee. The snow had melted rapidly in just that short span so we opted to hike it. Conditions were hotter and made for a long but fulfilling day.

2020 Climbing Season

404 error: Nothing found here, hoping for better luck in 2021.

2019 Climbing Season

Mount Saint Helens

In April, friends and I tagged the summit of Mount Saint Helens. This was my forth time to the top and my first ski descent. It was an absolute blast. We hit the weather lottery and the snow was excellent for the majority of the ride down.

2018 Climbing Season

Mount Hood

My third successful summit of Mount Hood took place on January 2nd. What a way to start the year?

Mount Adams

My first ski descent of Mount Adams, done Memorial Day weekend.

Mount Adams

I decided that one summit this year was not enough, summit of Mount Adams and in preparation for my Mount Rainier summit bid my partners and I tagged the summit again in June. Shortly after this trip I sustained a shoulder injury while riding my bike that ended in nearly two years of recovery.

Timberline Trail

On Labor Day weekend, two friends and I circumnavigated Mount Hood in 2018. It took us up and down over 10,000 vertical feet over 41 miles. Seeing the mountain from every angle and in every light over three days and two nights was epic and a life changing experience.

2017 Climbing Season

Mount Saint Helens

My second summit of Mount Saint Helens took place in February. We had a tempature inversion at this time so it was below 32 degrees at the base of the mountain but a balmy 60 degrees at the summit!

Mount Hood

My second successful summit of Mount Hood took place in May.

Mount Adams

My second time topping out on Mount Adams, done in June with a lot of snow still on the ground.

2016 Climbing Season

Mount Hood

My first successful summit of Mount Hood took place on Memorial Day 2016

Mount Saint Helens

My first summit of Mount Saint Helens took place later that same year on July 4th.

South Sister

In order to better prepare for my first ascent of Mount Adams I decided to get a nights sleep on the top of this 10,200 foot mountain. This is my only time on the top of this mountain as of 2020.

Mount Adams

My first summit of Mount Adams took place in August 2016. It was hot.

2015 Climbing Season

Three Finger Jack Circumnavigation

A 25 mile stroll around the lovely Three Finger Jack.

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